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ùÛÏÐߧ °Ñº¸¸®ÀÇ ËëðÏ÷åàõ¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ Studies on the Drying Characteristics of Unhulled Barley

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1988³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.9 ~ 16
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In the present study, sorption behavior and drying characteristics of unhulled barley(Hordeum uulgare L.) at a broader range of drying temperatures than previously reported were studied.
Judging from the results of the sorption studies carried out here, the optimum moisture contents of unhulled barley for safe long-term storage seemed to be 14.7% on dry basis respectively and the maximum percent relative humidity to be employed for drying or storage should not exceed more than 70%.
It may be advisable to use a drying temperature of 50 to 60¡É for the first 20 minutes, and then to switch to a drying temperature of around 40¡É until the completion of the drying. Frequent mixing of stacked barley(thickness=5§¯) during the drying period seems very important and desirable.


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