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îöÚ¦ÓÞùÊ ãÝù¡Ê¥ÍïΡ Ù¼úþÎçΡΤïï áóïáËÒÛ¡ æÚϼ A Study on Curriculum Development of Department of Food Technology in Junior College

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1988³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.63 ~ 92
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As a result of research on the present condition of the department relating to food at the junior college as of 1987 in our country, the number of the departments are 23 cases and the full-time professors are 132 persons and the number of students are 3,760 persons.
This study can see that our country has attached importance to food science education as fourfold in the number of students comparing with that of 1971. The character of the curriculum is different according to its systems, but it has the subject that need to train the major technicians and graduating students advance into each field.
Because of great many of students who are trained in a field of food science, it can be said that further the food industry and the development of food science have good prospects.
Food science is recognized as important thing to everyone due to a serious problem of food in accordance with the population growth and gradual scientific propulsion of the national dietary life. With the basis of the analytical about the curriculum of the department relating to the food of university and junior college in internal and external and the result that is analyzed students and teachers¢¥ replies by the questionaire, this study makes out a model plan of te curriculum in junior college like table 14.
Though the curriculum is ideal and perfective, as if it is not governed well nothing can be obtained, the other way also even though the curriculum is not perfect, if the mystery of management is praciced, a good results can be getting. Especially modern creative way of field practice makes students themselves set up purpose to learn and look for its meaning, and as experimenting and confirming their own thought and ability through solution of problem it helps to get developed and made up theirs own self.
Therefore constitution of course of the field pratice is established centering around the experence of students to set studying purpose. It is continuously managed to do the ideal studying by change of a time and demand of society, and also should be recognized to build up ability that judge and decide as theorizing a lot of knowledge on the conceptional and theorical basis. In the way that the department of food processing at a junior college should improve, improvement of educational equipment is urgent, then the cost of equipment should be secured and the curriculum should be improved.
Finally, thank for every junior college who cooperate with this study and such study for more better fixed curriculum will be continued after this report. So there will be sufficient results.


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