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±èÇö½Â½Ã¿¬±¸ A Study on Poet Kim Hyoun Sung

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1988³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.95 ~ 116
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À̺´¹®/Lee BM


I researched the relation between the poet, Mr. Hyoun Sung Kim¢¥s life and his poetry in this theme.
This poet, who didn¢¥t live his life after writing the poetry, but wrote it during his life, had various poems which was different from others.
When he published his maiden work, there was an impressive poem which was deep written about nationalistic sentimentalism and yearning for nature world, and there were autumn poem and solitary poem deep related to his religious life.
He was a loving, solitary, and praying man. And he was a man o integrity from the essential problem of life to the devotional problem to God.
He wrote a religious poem earnestly in order to get over homely belief and religious doube(skepticism).
So he is repected to the first Christian poet in Korea and his poems are loved.
When he wrote about ¢¥a believing mind¢¥ as a poem, he could really say, "Let me pray," "Let me love." "Let me alone." and "Lord, be here with us." and "Lord of Nazareth, please be here with us."
His poetry was not a tasteful one isolated from life, but a vital and religious one which was adhered closely to life.
Recently, there was no vivid religious literature, no religious poet in our literature.
In this time there appeared a poet, Mr. Kim as a writer who cultivated a religious literature. What a proud it is!


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