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L.V.Beethoven ¡´Piano Sonata op.106¡µ¿¡ °üÇÑ ¿¬±¸ A Study of Beethoven¢¥s¡´Piano Sonata op.106¡µ

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1988³â 13±Ç 1È£ p.205 ~ 235
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In the late 18th century, German and French literary models were accordingly given status as classical. The interpenetration of French, Italian and German music during the last part of the 18th century has been disregarded by scolars in favor of studies of the quirks of ¢¥sonata form¢¥ and attempts to define the ¢¥ciassical style¢¥.
L. V. Beethoven was born in such a background and he played the leading role in establishing the classicism which were followed the musical style by Haydn, Mozart, and influenced on the romantic and mordern composer, such as Schubert, Scriabin.
L. V Beethoven left many works such as 32 piano sonata, 9 symphony, 11 overtur, 5 piano concerto and 2 Mass. The 32 piano sonata was so bounded on the form of classicism, developed the technique of a few short-motive and gave the unity of musical that holds the most important position in the literatur of sonata.
In this thesis, the present writer has made some research on Beethoven¢¥s "piano sonata op. 106" composed in 1819. It was reflected the Beethoven¢¥s maturity.
And it is his masterpiece indicated the form of C. Franks cyclic style. In this piano sonata the first and second cyclic motive show the systematic style on the musical composition. This two cyclic motive cycled and developed organically on the whole composition. In spite of the use of cyclic form on purpose by Frank, the cyclic form is unconcsious and has systematic relations with each movement by Beethoven¢¥s genious or artistic talents.
The harmony shown in the sonata is used chromatic. modulation. This is the feature of the late of Beethoven. He also, often used subdominant or dominant not tonic. He Is foreknowledge of Romanticism. Especially, the use of 7th cord influenced the modern works.


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