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äÑÌðÎÃùÊΡ ÎçëÀð¤ÓøËÇà¼À» À§ÇÑ ðàÞÛæÚϼ A Study on Reformation of Educational System of Department of Spectacles and Optics

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1989³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.259 ~ 284
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Being based on above mentioned demonstration, I will propose idea that can reform the system of Department of Spectacles and Optics.
1) To systematize and technify spectacles and optical education, there will be necessary the reformation of educational system in order that the number of school years will be able t o extend as 3 or 4 years.
2) There must be needed related subjects such as socialogy, psychology and design. And developed special subjects that is touched with actual circumstance of opticians.
3) There wiil be needed the preparation of utensil which the experiment and exercise of school can be applied to a job-site with.
4) A text must be developed and foreign text must be translated promptly, but the development of the text must be fit in the circumstance of Korean educational system.
5) A pedagogue¢¥s employment must be expand its number. Specially lecturers specializing the department of literature and experiment.
6) A government must recognize that optician is more notice that other department and patronize it .
7) There will be needed opening spectacles store attached to perfect the experimental educator.


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