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åÛÝ«ÞÌãÁÞò¿¡ ³ªÅ¸³­ 17¼¼±â ÞÍ×ù÷ïÀÇ Ë°ûÉìããÛ The Sa-Rim School¢¥s Recognition of the World in the 17th Century in O-Bu-Sa-Si-sa

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1989³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.455 ~ 471
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Àå¼±Èñ/Jang SH


The purpose of this paper is to examine the active phase of the literary men, the Sa Rim school, who worked dunng the transitional period from the medieval literature to modern literature in korea, through the pursuit of their literary senses and the variational aspects of their recogrution of the world in their works. For this purpose, I investigated the variational aspects of their recognibon of the world m some fisherman¢¥s songs, which are highly valued as the Sa-Rim school¢¥s impornatn works, which had a great influence on the school.
The poet¢¥s literary senses on O-Bu Ga by Nongam. Lee Hyun Bo, who was a conspicuous hermit in the 16th century when the literature of the Sa-Rim school was firmly established, coincide with the doctrines of Chu-Tzu which would embody the truth through literature, and also his recogrution of the world is expressed as the nature ideational and normative.
O-Bu Sa-Si-Sa by Gosan, Yun Seon-Do, who accepted the doctrines of Chu-Tzu and stuck to them in the 17th century, when the literature of the Sa-Rim school attained its highest stage of prospenty and simultaneously fell into its decay, shows on the contrary, in most parts of the work, the poet recognizes the world as the nature individual, concrete and emotionai, shows at the same tune he has many literary factors seceded from the doctrines of Chu-tzu.
This fact tells us that Gosan Played the bridging role between the latter period of the Sa-Rim school and the next literary generation, through his masterpiece. O Bu-Sa-Si Sa


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