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ú°Û¯ãêùÊÀÇ ¸¶¸£Å©½ºñ«ëùîÜ ìµÖå°ú ãùô¿¡ °üÇÑ æÚϼ A Study on the Theology of Liberation¢¥s Marxist Theory and Praxis

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1989³â 14±Ç 1È£ p.473 ~ 495
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This study attempts to analyze and examine closely the Theology of Liberation¢¥s acceptance of marxist theory and praxis. One of the most controversial aspects in study of the Theology of Liberation is to elucidate any relation between the Theology of Liberation and Marxism. Liberation Theologians say that their assumption of marxism has nothing to do with a supposedly abstract or eternal theory or with logmatic formulae but with a scientific analysis and a number of verifiable hypotheses in relation to conditions obtaining in certain historical moments and places and whch, properly means to grasp our own hstorical situation.
Accordmg to Gustavo Gutierrz, the peruvian theologian, who has written the most systemetic account of the Theology of Liberation, the Theology of Liberation is defined as a crtical reflection based on the gospel and the experiences of man and woman committed to the process of liberation in the oppressed and exploited land of Latin America, to abolish "status quo" being the current unjust situation and to build a different society, freer and more human. This definition is a formula continually repeated in the writings of the theologians of liberation.
The extent of Marxism¢¥s contribution to the Theology of Liberation :
1) the emphasis on praxis as the epistemological reference point for all theorectical thought,
2) the use of certain socio-political tools of analysis as a prerequisite in the hermeneutical task of reading the signs of times.
3) the use of marxism as the most objective means of defecting and liberating every false ideology.
In summary the Theology of Liberation Seems no doubt to accept marxism itself as well as marxist socio-economic political analysis method. The theology uses the marxist theses such as class struggle, justification of use of violence, revolutionary praxis for socialism, and denouncing capitahsm. Moreover, various characteristics which the Theology of Liberation emphasizes fall under a unified meaning only in case they are reviewed on the marxist standpoint.


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