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µ¿ÀÎÁö ¡¸Ã¢Á¶¡¹ ¡¸ÆóÇ㡹 ¡¸¹éÁ¶¡¹ ¿¬±¸ A Study on literary coterie magazines, TSANG-ZO, PYEHUH and PAIK-ZO

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1990³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.93 ~ 116
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À̺´¹®/Lee BM


Being stated above, we contemplated literary coterie magazines, CHANGZO (THE CREATION), PYEHUH (THE RUINS) and PAIKZO (THE WHITE TIDE), They played a great role o initiating korean modern literature of 1920¢¥s but, so far, they estimated only as several words that they made a great deal of a chievement in the history of Korean literature.
But, at the moment of closing one century of Korean modern literature, we must review their roles and achievements. In this statement, I intended to help many people understand them and arrange the history of literature, through concrete study of those magazines.
The staff of each magazine was consisted of 13 members, and total number of members reached into about 35. The staff of amgazines, whether famous or not, founded and published them from February 1919 to september 1923. They issued about 170 poems, 35 novels, 5 dramas, 30 critiques and 40 essays.
The literary level of those literary coterie magazines were even more orthodoxical than that of enlightining literature era which was 10 years prior to them. So to say, even though, unlike western literature, they didn¢¥t have systematic trend or works of literature, they introduced realism, realism, naturalism and romanticism to korean literatrue. So, it is natural that some time themes of writers and works of that would be mada. That is task for us Korean literary groups.
Considering their ages and environments, we could say that their achievements in Korean literature which was almost waste land are very great and hold, things. We must revaluate to study their spirits and endeavors and works concretely.


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