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Àü¹®´ëÇлýµéÀÇ Àǽı¸Á¶¿¡ °üÇÑ Á¶»ç¿¬±¸ A Study on Consciousness Structure of Junior College Students in Kwangju, Chonnam.

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1990³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.143 ~ 191
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±è¾çÇõ/Kim YH ÀÌ°­Èñ/Lee KH


The purpose of this study is to clarify the consciousness structure of junior college students in Kwangju, Chonnam.
1. The main areas of students¢¥ consciousness in this study are national identity, democracy, unification.
2. The main variables in this study are personal and social background.
3. Sub-varicbles of three main areas are ;
1) national community, government and regime, ideology
2) basic values of democracy, democratic procedure, democratic system, custom of democratic life
3) intrest in unification, subject of unification, way of unification.
4). Personal and social backgrounds are region, sex, major part, standard of living etc.
In order to accomplish the purpose, 1205 junior college students were randomly selceted in Kwangju, Chonnam. And the questionaire was administered to sutdents. The statistical method in this study was multiple analysis by using SPSS.
From this analysis the following conclusions were drown :
1. In the area of national identity, students had a positive consciousness to the present government.
2. In the area of democracy, students had a positive consciousness especially basic values to democracy, democratic procedures and democratic life, but had a negative consciousness to the application of democratic system.
3. In the area of unification, students agreed with interest of unification, but had a low level of recognition to the was of unification. In addition, students recognized suspiciously present government¢¥s will and policy of unification.


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