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ãùðíîÜ ìÑÊàßÀ°ú ±× îïìÑÎçëÀ¿¡ÀÇ ãÆÞÊ The Human Image of Existentialism and its Implications for the Whole Person Education

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1990³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.297 ~ 315
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This study attempts to search the huamn image of existentialism and its implacations for the whole person education.
It is said that existentialism makes denial of the education but paradoxically speaking, existentialism seeks for the true education. An educator who follows the existentalist orientation will emphasize deep personal reflection on ones commitment and choices. One has the possibility of being an inner-directed and authentic person, an authentic person is one who is free and aware of his freedom.
The educational implications of existentialism are many.
It is designed to educate in us a sense of self awareness and to contribute to our authenticity as human beings. The school is a place where individuals can meet to pursue dialog and dissussion about their own lives.
From the analysis of the human image of existentialism, following conclusions were drawn.
1. The human image of existentialism, so to speak, existence as a decisive actor, existence as a free will, existence as an encounter, existence as a faithfulness will be a foundation of educational purpose making of the whole person education.
2. To educate the humanistic behavior, greedom, psycho-motor development are important in the field of education.
3. To recover the loss of humanity, humanistic curriculum is demanded.
4. The human-centered education and problem-solving learning are demanded.
5. Moral education must be condidered within the limits of human interaction.


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