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ÙëìÑïÙÏí°ú ÞÑêÂá§Õô The Power of Buddhist Temples and Koryo Military Reigns

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1991³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.91 ~ 104
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Hwang Byung Seong


This study intends to investigate the tendency of the power of Buddhist Temples in the Days of Koryo(ÍÔÕò) Military reigns.
The Military Revolt (1170) changed the direction of the development of the whole Koryo society.
The monk¢¥s Revolts during the Reigns of the Military Government was an anti-Military riot by the power of Kyo sect(Îçðó). Consequently, the Military Government oppressed the Kyo sect. The social developments in the early Koryo dynasty are one of great importances that Kyo sect had broken down and was being replaced by Zen sect(àÉðó). In this the monk Chinul (ò±?) was particulary active. And it is notable that Chogye-jong (ðÇÍ¢ðó) was the revitalized zen sect by Chinul.


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