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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1991³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.257 ~ 267
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The population densities of aerobic bacteria and fungi in Posong river, Tongbodch¢¥on and Isach¢¥on where was plande for Juam Dam were estimated during the periods from Autumn 1989 to Summer 1990.
The results showed that total density of aerobic bacteria was 6.8 ¡¿10(?) cells/100ml, which was four times increase than that of 1.8¡¿10(?) cells/100ml of 2nd surveyed period, and the seasonal variation was 3.6¡¿10(?) cells/100ml in November 1989, 5.2¡¿10(?) cells/100ml in January 1990, 5.5¡¿10(?) cells/100ml April 1990and 12.9¡¿10(?) cells/100ml in July 1990. This showed that the increase of population density was effected by the process of contamination, byt ont by season.
The density of fungi was 5.0¡¿10(2)cells/100ml, which was lower than 6.1¡¿10(2) cells/100ml of 2nd surveyed periods and seasonal variation showed the highest density in autumn as 2nd investigation.
Consequently the increase of population density for aerobic bacteria was mainly influenced by inflow of organic materials from domestic sewage particulaty and animal organic matters were usually more effective than plant organic matters in Juam Dam.


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