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»ýü Àü±âÀÇ ÀÓ»óÀû ÀÌ¿ë½ÇÅ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °íÂû Cases Study on the Use of Clinical Bioelectric Sign

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1992³â 17±Ç 1È£ p.393 ~ 402
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ÁÖ°æ¿õ/Joo KU


To know the frequency of the clinical physiologic test (:bioedectrometrics) which is regarded as an indication of the importance of bioedectric sign and of the increase of medical benefit to man, and to prove the necessity of the eledtric sign in the step of the first medical treatment, I examined the diagnostic results of the physical electric sign made in the bioelectrometric laboratory of Chun-nam university hospital.
A slight electric current is produced in the body surface because of the excitement resulted from the stimulation when cardiac miscle, cerebral cell and skeletal muscle is impulsed. This electric current is called physical electric sign. We can apply the informations obtained from this physical electric sign to various clinicobiochemical tests.
Bioelectrometric which does not give any pain to person gives us a lot of indirect medical informations is widely used in study, therapy and diagnosis owing to the development of science such as edectronics, mechanics, physiology etc.
We can see that the frequency of this test increases by 15% every year, and the abnormal condition can be looked for easily in comparson with other usual tests and that edectrocardiogram (: ECG) is useful in adult and electroencephalogram (;EEG) in infant.
We should pay attention to the abnormal percentage ECG of 68.85% in the forties and EEG positive rate 65.38% in the teens. Both ECG and EEG tend to be recorded as comparatively high positive rate in the forties regardless of sex
Though bioelectrometrics is indirect medical information, it should be widely used to discover diseases without delay and prevent adolescent diseases.


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