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ߤկàÊ ð¶ËÛéÄ Ì«í­ ÷åàõ¿¡ μÇÑ Ëþ÷Ð A Study on the Characteristic of X-ray Grid

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1992³â 17±Ç 1È£ p.415 ~ 424
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ÇÑÀçÁø/Han JJ À̼º±æ/±è½Â±¹/±è¿µ±Ù/Lee SG/Kim SK/Kim YK


For the researches physical characterisitcal of stationary Grid, how to use of fluorescence meter and conventional in clinic for the film method made an experimental study on the image quality influenced scattered radiation and abtained the results as follows.
1. Direct transmitted radiation is decrease for the Grid-ratio to increase and variable X-ray tube voltage thichness of phantom is not variation.
2. Scattered radiation content is better for increase on thickness of phantom. But using increase of X-ray tube voltage.
3. At the Acry1 phantom 15¡­20 §¯ equivalent to A-P and lateral projectin for the skull phantom using the 8 : 1 Grid showed image quality.


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