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ÞäüåÜØò³ú¼ïÙ îöÚ¦ìÑÕôÀÇ üÀàõûù Û°äÐ A Study on the Activating Plan of Professional Manpower in Social Welfare Administration

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1993³â 18±Ç 1È£ p.197 ~ 222
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Social welfare administration differs from a general administration. The property of social welfare administration is caused by the problems of profession. The service of social welfare administration must be involved not only material condition but also professional knowledge and skill.]
Therefore, in orther to perform social welfare administration more effectively and professionally, first of all professional manpower for social welfare administration should be employed. It has obtained the desired result from the arrangement of professional manpower for social welfare administration since 1987.
But some problems are founded in operation, those are overweight of duty, non-profession, poorness of working environment, security of personal station such as promotion, and so on.
By these problems, it presented that improvement of delivery system, establishment of occupational series for social welfare administration, strengthening of education and training and so on as activating plans of professional manpower.


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