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Çѱ¹ Á¤½Åº¸°ÇÀÇ ÇöȲ ¹× ¹®Á¦Á¡ Problems and Present Status of Mental health Service in Korea

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1993³â 18±Ç 1È£ p.329 ~ 356
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±è¹Ì/Kim M


This study is to find out a counterplan of mental health by reviewing present status and problems of our mental health service.
A time series data for 1984 and 1991 are used from the health insurance program. Yearbooks of Health and Social Statistics(1982¢¦1991) are used. Also literatures of public health, psychiatry and psychology are examined for this study.
As a result of reviewing the statistical data, schizophrenia patients are much more than another mental disorder patients, especially in the inpatient. Among the outpatient, neurosis patients are very many. Generally, a male has much more mental disorders than a female, excepting neurosis.
Medical facilities are laid disproportionate emphasis by regionally. Bed per 100,000 population is 27.6. Bed numbers are very scared in comparison with the criteria of WHO. The criteria are 100 by WHO.
Abnormally, there are many institutes of mental disorder where the patients are not cared but accommodated.
Aspects of manpower, therapeutic team is deficiency to provide comprehensive mental health service, especially psychiatric nurse, clinical psychologist and psychiatric social worker.
For the improvement of mental health status, the delivery system for mental health service should be established. Public Health Center should be central to establish community mental health service. Various services such as prevention, therapy and rehabilitation provided in Public Health Center.
Above all Mental Health Law should be established. It is sufficiently considered of people¢¥s rights.


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