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ÞäüåÜØò³ú¼ïÙ¿¡ À־ ñ¬ÚÅóÑæ¨ÀÇ üÀàõûù Û°äÐ A Study on the Activating Methods of Residents Participation in the Social Welfare Administration

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1994³â 19±Ç 1È£ p.105 ~ 137
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¿ÀÁ¾Èñ/Oh JH


Social welfare administration should be made to realize democratically what a society needs and demands, and bear the responsibilities of its result. Therefore today we can not go without residents participation in this complicating and diverse society.
This paper is to consider the theoretical background -- raising background, basic condition, pattern and limitation etc.-- and activating methods of residents participation.
Some alternatives which can activate the residents participation at the process of social welfare administration may be summarized as following.
First, the government should expand the public relation, so that more information about social welfare administration may be opened to every residents.
Second, self-generating resident organizations are fostered by community. Intention to participate is strengthened by organized power.
Third, the committees allied social welfare service should be strengthened substantially.
Fourth, voluntary service organization of social welfare should be activatign.
Finally, participation culture should be formed among the every public officials and residents.


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