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òÅÙ⽺Ʈ·¹½ºÀÇ èÐõúæµùܷμ­ ÞäüåîÜ ò¨êµ¿¡ μÇÑ æÚϼ A study on social support as buffering of job stress

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1994³â 19±Ç 1È£ p.323 ~ 347
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À¯ÀÏ/Yu I ÃÖ±¤½Å/³ª±¤À±/Choi KS/Na KY


In recent years, we live in stress. Most of person have received stress because they lack in abilities to cope with heavy work of their environment and exist a misfit between individual needs and demands of environment.
Stress is considered as on of the most serious problem in organizations. A little stress has an effect on increase of organizational performance. The most important problem is the preventive management of job stress. Strategies for the management of stress can be suggested in various standpoints. Therefore, in this paper, it is suggested that social support also seems to buffer the level of at least some job stressors and directly promote aspects of health as well.
Supporters are wife(or husband), family, suprvisor, co-worker, and so on, supporter¢¥s activities consist emotional support, appraisal support, information support, and instrumental support.
Social support may be provided by means of mentor program, rational human resource management, broadcast and newsletter in organization, and off in health club, the movie, swimming bath.


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