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¿ì¸®³ª¶ó ¾Ïµî·Ï»ç¾÷ÀÇ ÇöȲ ¹× ³ª¾Æ°¥ ¹æÇâ The actual status of tumor registry business and its directions in Korea

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1995³â 20±Ç 1È£ p.239 ~ 251
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±è¹ÌÁ¤/Kim MJ


To improve the quality of tumor registry business, this study investigates the tumor registry system, trmor registry report and the operation of tumor registry system in hospital I have obtained the following results.
Exact tumor incidence and mortality should be estimated by the execution of regional tumor regixtry business on the national scale and the report of examination of tumor registry should be subdivided by items and then uide should be made.
For coding topography in the report of examination of tumor registry, the guide of International Classification of Diseases for oncology should by madc.
The follow-up survey of the patients registered as tumor patients should be conducted and sufficient information about the study on the patient management and diseasese should be provided.
A person in charge of tumor registry should receive a continuous actual training of tumor registry.


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