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±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1995³â 20±Ç 1È£ p.253 ~ 262
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±è½Â±¹/Kim SK


The paper is based on the record of researching the patients with cancer in the Chunnam National University Hospital from January 1989 to December 1993.
The results are as follows ;
1. Among the total O.P.D 1,932,229, the patients of therapeutic radiology are classified into 77,688(4.02%), (11038 in 1989, 14201 in 1990, 15061 in 1991, 18437 in 1992, 18951 in 1993).
2. Among the 5126 cancer patients cervix and uterus cancer patients are 958(18.69%), stomach cancer patients are 795(15.51%), lung cancer patients are 534(10.42%). brin and thyroid cancer patients are 421(8.21%), liver cancer patients are 399(7.78%) and sexual ratio appeared 1.08 : 1, therefore, male patients are slightly more than the female patients.
3. The age distribution of cancer was that of 55~64 ages are 1,414(27.58%), 45~54 ages are 1260(24.58%), and 65~74 ages are 782(15.26%) and the 70% of all cancer patients are 45~74 ages.
4. Among the 5262 cancer patients 1091(20.73%) are in the uterus system, 918(17.45%) are in the head and neck part, 846(16.08%) are in the lungs. Therefore these three kinds of cancer consist of 50% more.
5. Among the intracavitary application therapy of 2797 cancer patients are 584 in 1989(20.88%), 283 in 1990(15.89%), 579 in 1991(20.70%), 647 in 1992(23.13%), 549 in 1994(19.63%) and the patients of medical insurance are 2257(80.69%)
6. The occupational distribution of 5126 cancer patients(89~93year), housewives are 1190(23.21%), orderly farmers are 985(19.22%), businessmen are 290(5.66%), salarymen are 211(4.12%) and public service personnels are 203(3.96%)
* O.P.D. : Outpatients department


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