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Ú°ßæÚª¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ n-alkanesÀÇ íÀûù¿Í êáûù Degradation and Emulsification of n-alkanes by Microorganisms

±¤ÁÖº¸°ÇÀü¹®´ëÇÐ³í¹®Áý 1996³â 21±Ç 1È£ p.267 ~ 278
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¸¶»óÁ¶/Ma SC ±èµ¿ÇÊ/Á¶´öºÀ/ÃÖ¿Á¹ü/Kim DP/Cho DB/Choi OB


A long-chain n-alkane-using microorganism was isolated from a soil sample, and was identified to belong to genus Acinetobactor. This strain Ma-1 grew on n-alkanes ranging in carbon length from C_(13) to C_(44) as a sole carbon source. This strain could grow on the solid hydrocarbons without addition of any detergents. The growth and the hydrocarbon use were enhanced by the addition of a surface active agent, Plysurf A210G.
A strain Ma-I culture isolated in our laboratory has been shown to produce an extracellular biopolymer with emulsifying properties when grown on a mixture of linear hydrocarbons. The substrates supporting good growth gave good polymer production. The polymers recovered from the substrates were found to be complex molecules or mixtures with a protein, a lipid, and a carbohydrate moiety.


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