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Crohnº´ 1·Ê A Case of Crohn Disease

´ëÇѼҾƼÒÈ­±â¿µ¾çÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 2±Ç 2È£ p.227 ~ 232
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±èÁöÀº ( Kim Ji-Eun ) 
µ¿±¹´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ¼Ò¾Æ°úÇб³½Ç

±è¿ìÅà( Kim Woo-Taek ) 
µ¿±¹´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ¼Ò¾Æ°úÇб³½Ç
±èµÎ±Ç ( Kim Doo-Kwun ) 
µ¿±¹´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ¼Ò¾Æ°úÇб³½Ç
ÃÖ¼º¹Î ( Choi Sung-Min ) 
µ¿±¹´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ¼Ò¾Æ°úÇб³½Ç
À̵¿¼® ( Lee Dong-Seok ) 
µ¿±¹´ëÇб³ ÀÇ°ú´ëÇÐ ¼Ò¾Æ°úÇб³½Ç
±èÁØÈ£ ( Kim Jun-Ho ) 
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ÀúÀÚµéÀº ¹ß¿­, º¹Åë, °üÀýÅë, ±¸°­³» ±Ë¾çÀÇ Áõ»óÀ¸·Î ³»¿øÇÑ 6¼¼ ³²¾Æ¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Crohn
º´ 1·Ê¸¦ °æÇèÇÏ¿´±â¿¡ ¹®Çå°íÂû°ú ÇÔ²² º¸°íÇÏ´Â ¹ÙÀÌ´Ù.

crohn disease is a chronic transmural inflammatory disease that may involve any
portion of the gastrointestinal tract.
An increased incidence of Crohn disease in the general population has been reported,
along with a greater than threefold increase of Crohn disease in children under the age
of 16 years noted in a recent study.
Crohn disease may be seen as early as infancy, but the most common pediatric age of
onset is during the teenage period.
We experienced a case of Crohn disease in 6 year old male child complained
abdominal pain, oral aphthous ulcers, arthralgia, anorexia, and growth failure.
A brief review of related literature is also presented.


Crohn disease;

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