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Helicobacter pylori °¨¿°°ú »çȸ°æÁ¦Àû ¿äÀο¡ ´ëÇÑ ¿¬±¸ Relation between Helicobacter pylori Infection and Socioeconomic Status in Korean Adolescents

´ëÇѼҾƼÒÈ­±â¿µ¾çÇÐȸÁö 2000³â 3±Ç 1È£ p.17 ~ 22
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±Ç¿µ¼¼ ( Kwon Young-Se ) 
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ÃÖ¿¬È£ ( Choe Yon-Ho ) 
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È«À±Ã¶ ( Hong Yun-Chul ) 
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ÃÖÇö ( Choe Hyon ) 
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¸ñÀû : ¿ì¸® ³ª¶ó û¼Ò³â±â ¼Ò¾ÆÀÇ H. pylori °¨¿° À¯º´·üÀ» Á¶»çÇÏ°í, »çȸ°æÁ¦Àû ¿äÀÎÀÌ
û¼Ò³âÀÇ H. pylori °¨¿°¿¡ ¾î¶°ÇÑ ¿µÇâÀ» ¹ÌÄ¡´ÂÁö ¾Ë¾Æº¸°íÀÚ ÇÏ¿´´Ù.

´ë»ó ¹× ¹æ¹ý : 1996³â 10¿ù ºÎõ½Ã¿¡ »ì°í ÀÖ´Â 10¡­15¼¼ÀÇ 532¸í(³²¾Æ285¸í, ¿©¾Æ 247¸í)
ÀÇ ¼Ò¾Æ¸¦ ´ë»óÀ¸·Î äÇ÷À» ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿© Ç÷ûÇÐÀûÀÎ ¹æ¹ý(serum IgG antibody)À¸·Î H. pylori
°¨¿°À» Áø´ÜÇÏ¿´´Ù. ¼³¹®Áö¸¦ ÅëÇÏ¿© ¼ºº°, ¿¬·É, Hollingshead index¿¡ µû¶ó ºÐ·ùÇÑ »çȸ°æ
Á¦Àû ¼öÁØ, ÁÖ°ÅÇüÅÂ(Àü¼¼ ¶Ç´Â ÀÚ°¡), È¥ÀâÁö¼ö(crowding index)¸¦ Á¶»çÇÏ¿´´Âµ¥, 532¸í Áß
375¸í(70.5%, ³² : ¿©=205 : 170)ÀÇ ¼³¹®ÀÌ È¸¼öµÇ¾ú´Ù. Hollingshead index´Â ºÎ¸ðÀÇ ±³À°Á¤
µµ¿Í Á÷¾÷À» °í·ÁÇÏ¿© ±¸ºÐÇÏ¿´°í crowding index´Â ½Ä±¸¼ö/¹æ¼ö·Î ±¸ÇÏ¿´´Ù. °¢°¢ ´Üº¯¼ö
ȸ±ÍºÐ¼® ÈÄ ÀǹÌÀÖ´Â °á°ú¸¦ ¸ð¾Æ ´ÙÁßȸ±ÍºÐ¼®À» ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù.

°á°ú : H. pylori À¯º´·üÀº ³²¾Æ¿¡¼­ 17.1% (32/205), ¿©¾Æ¿¡¼­ 16.5% (28/170)·Î Åë°èÀûÀ¸
·Î À¯ÀÇÇÑ Â÷ÀÌ´Â ¾ø¾ú´Ù(P=0.88). 10¡­11¼¼, 12¡­13¼¼, 14¡­15¼¼ÀÇ ¼¼ ¿¬·É±ºÀ¸·Î ³ª´©¾î ºñ
±³ÇÑ °á°ú, ¿¬·ÉÀÌ Áõ°¡ÇÒ¼ö·Ï H. pylori À¯º´·üÀº °¢°¢ 10.3% (7/68), 15.9% (25/157),
20.7% (31/150)·Î À¯ÀÇÇÑ Áõ°¡¸¦ º¸¿´´Ù(P=0.05). »çȸ°æÁ¦Àû ¼öÁØÀ» Hollingshead index·Î
±¸ÇÏ¿© ¼¼ ±ºÀ¸·Î ³ª´©¾î ºñ±³ÇÑ °á°ú, »çȸ°æÁ¦Àû ¼öÁØÀÌ ³ôÀ»¼ö·Ï H. pylori ¾ç¼ºÀº °¢°¢
20.0% (23/115), 16.0% (39/244), 6.3% (1/16)·Î °¨¼ÒÇÏ´Â ¿ªºñ·Ê °ü°è¸¦ º¸¿´À¸³ª Åë°èÀûÀ¸
·Î À¯ÀÇÇÑ Â÷ÀÌ´Â ¾Æ´Ï¾ú´Ù(P=0.16). Àü¼¼¿Í ÀÚ°¡¸¦ ºñ±³ÇßÀ» ¶§ H. pylori ¾ç¼ºÀº °¢°¢
15.7% (22/140), 17.5% (41/235)·Î À¯ÀÇÇÑ Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ¾ø¾ú´Ù(P=0.66). È¥ÀâÁö¼ö(crowding index:
½Ä±¸¼ö/¹æ¼ö)°¡ 1.5 ¹Ì¸¸ÀÏ ¶§ H. pylori ¾ç¼ºÀº 16.0% (26/163), 1.5 ÀÌ»óÀÏ ¶§ 17.5%
(37/212)·Î À¯ÀÇÇÑ Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ¾ø¾ú´Ù(P=0.70). ´ÙÁßȸ±ÍºÐ¼® °á°ú H. pylori °¨¿°¿¡ ´ëÇØ ¿¬·ÉÀº
odds ratio 2.2 (95% confidence interval 0.9¡­5.4), Hollingshead index¿¡ ÀÇÇÑ »çȸ°æÁ¦Àû
¼öÁØÀº odds ratio 3.6 (95% confidence interval 0.5¡­28.9) À̾ú´Ù.

°á·Ð : ºÎõ½Ã û¼Ò³â±â ¼Ò¾ÆÀÇ H. pylori °¨¿° À¯º´·üÀº 16.8%À̸ç, ºÎ¸ðÀÇ ±³À°Á¤µµ¿Í Á÷
¾÷¿¡ µû¸¥ »çȸ°æÁ¦Àû ¼öÁØÀÌ °¡Á·³» È¥Àâµµ, ÁÖ°ÅÇüÅ º¸´Ù °¨¿°¿¡ ´õ¿í ¿µÇâÀ» ¹ÌÄ¡´Â °Í
À¸·Î º¸ÀδÙ.

Purpose : This study was conducted to evaluate the association between H. pylori
infection and socioeconomic status and to determine the current prevalence of H. pylori
infection in Korean adolescents.

Methods : A structured questionnaire was sent to the children¡¯s parents to obtain
demographic information on the parents and environmental information. Of the 532
questionnaires sent out, 375 (70.5%; 170girls and 205boys) were returned. Their ages
ranged from 10 to 15 years (mean, 12.9 years). After collecting blood samples, we
measured serum IgG antibody to H. pylori using ELISA method. The association of risk
factors such as age, sex, socioeconomic class, type of house, and crowding index with
H. pylori infection were analyzed by multiple regression analysis. Socioeconomic status
was estimated from the parents¡¯education and occupation using a modified Hollingshead

Results : The prevalence rate of H. pylori infection was 16.8% (63/375). It increased
with age (10.3% at 10¡­11 years, 15.9% at 12¡­13 years, and 20.7% at 14¡­15 years).
The H. pylori infection was inversely related to the socioeconomic class (6.3% for the
upper class, 16.0% for the middle class, and 20.0% for the lower class). Crowding
condition and type of house did not affect significantly on seroprevalence of H. pylori
infection. After logistic regression, we found that the odds ratio for age was 2.2 (95%
confidence interval 0.9¡­5.4), and for socioeconomic status, 3.6 (95% confidence interval

Conclusion : The prevalence of H. pylori infection in Korean adolescents was 16.8%. It
related inversely to socioeconomic status but was not statistically significant.
Socioeconomic status based on parents¡¯ education and occupation seemed to affect more
on H. pylori seroprevalence than crowding or type of house did.


Helicobacter pylori; Prevalence; Socioeconomic status; Adolescents;

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