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´ëÇѼҾƼÒÈ­±â¿µ¾çÇÐȸÁö 2000³â 3±Ç 2È£ p.169 ~ 174
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Purpose: Previously reported ocular complications of interferon alfa administration are extremely rare. We experienced a 15-year-old boy with chronic hepatitis B who developed glaucoma after interferon alfa therapy. The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the possible development of glaucoma after interferon alfa therapy for chronic hepatitis B.

Methods: Nine patients with chronic hepatitis B who visited Inha university hospital between February 1998 and July 1999 received interferon alfa therapy. We measured visual acuity, intraocular pressure, C/D ratio, and visual field examination at pre-interferon therapy, three and six months after therapy, respectively.

Results: The total number of patients was 9 (4 boys and 5 girls). Mean age was 11.7?4.1 years. The duration of therapy was 6 months and mean dosage of interferon was 5 million units. Compared with visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and C/D ratio at pre-therapy, those parameters at 3 months and 6 months after therapy showed no significant differences and none showed visual field defect after therapy.

Conclusion: Our prospective study showed no evidence of development of glaucoma after interferon therapy. However, it is necessary to be concerned about the possibility of developing glaucoma or other ophthalmologic diseases after interferon therapy in chronic hepatitis B.


Chronic hepatitis B;Glaucoma;Interferon

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