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¼­¿ï Áö¿ª ÃʵîÇлýÀÇ »ýȰȯ°æ°ú Helicobacter pylori ¾ç¼º·ü Influence of Environmental Living Standards on Helicobacter pylori Infection in Korean Elementary School Children

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¹æ ¹ý: ½ÅÃÌÁö¿ª ÃʵîÇлý 571¸íÀ» ´ë»óÀ¸·Î ÇÏ¿© H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼ºÀ¯¹«¿Í »ýȰȯ°æ¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¼³¹®Á¶»ç¸¦ ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù. H. pylori IgG Ç×ü°¡´Â GAP IgG Helicobacter pylori kit (Bio-Rad Lab, USA)¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© ELISA¹ýÀ¸·Î ÃøÁ¤ÇÏ¿´°í, Ç×ü°¡°¡ 15 U/mL ÀÌ»óÀÌ¸é ¾ç¼º, 15 U/mL ¹Ì¸¸ÀÎ °æ¿ì À½¼ºÀ¸·Î ÆÇÁ¤ÇÏ¿´´Ù. »ýȰȯ°æ Á¶»ç´Â ¼³¹®Áö¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿´°í, Ãâ»ýÁö¿Í ¿ù¼öÀÍ, ÁÖ°Åȯ°æ, °¡Á·¼ö, ÇüÁ¦¼ö, ¼ÒÈ­¼º±Ë¾ç ¹× À§¾ÏÀÇ °¡Á··Â µîÀ» Á¶»çÇÏ¿´´Ù.

°á °ú:
1) ´ë»óȯ¾Æ´Â ÃÑ 571¸íÀ¸·Î Æò±Õ ¿¬·ÉÀº 9.6 1.8 (6¡­13.6)¼¼¿´°í, ³²³àºñ´Â 1.1£º1À̾ú´Ù. Àüü ȯ¾ÆÀÇ H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº 16.8% (96/571)¿´´Ù. ¿¬·Éº° H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº 6¼¼¿¡¼­ 10.4%, 7¼¼ 17.9%, 8¼¼ 11.1%, 9¼¼ 19.3%, 10¼¼ 16.5%, 11¼¼
13.7%, 12¼¼ À̻󿡼­ 30.9%¿´À¸¸ç(p= 0.06), ¼ºº° H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº ³²Çлý¿¡¼­ 16%, ¿©Çлý 18%¿´´Ù(p=0.46).
2) Ãâ»ýÁöº° H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº È£³² 8% (1/13), ¼­¿ï 17% (66/381), Ãæûµµ 20% (1/5), ¿µ³² 20% (1/5), °æ±âµµ 24% (7/29), °­¿øµµ 75% (3/4)¿´´Ù(p£¾0.05).
3) ¼Òµæ¼öÁغ° H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº ¿ù¼Òµæ 100¸¸¿ø ÀÌÇÏ¿¡¼­´Â 17%(10/58), ¿ù¼Òµæ 100¡­200¸¸¿ø¿¡¼­´Â 16% (44/274), ¿ù¼Òµæ 200¡­500¸¸¿ø¿¡¼­´Â 19% (22/117), ¿ù¼Òµæ 500¸¸¿ø À̻󿡼­´Â 17% (2/12)¿´´Ù(p=0.93).
4) ÁÖ°Åȯ°æº° H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº ¾ÆÆÄÆ®ÀÇ °æ¿ì 25% (3/15), ´Üµ¶ÁÖÅÃÀÇ °æ¿ì 18% (64/ 358), ±âŸ 17% (21/124)¿´´Ù(p£¾0.05).
5) °¡Á·¼ö¿¡ µû¸¥ H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº 2¸í ÀÌÇÏ 13% (10/79), 3¸í 15% (37/250), 4¸í 19% (18/96), 5¸í ÀÌ»ó 30% (17/57)·Î °¡Á·¼ö°¡ Áõ°¡ÇÒ¼ö·Ï H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀÌ À¯ÀÇÇÏ°Ô ³ô¾Ò´Ù(p=0.03). ÇüÁ¦¼öº°·Î´Â 1¸íÀÎ °æ¿ì 16% (68/420), 2¸íÀÎ °æ¿ì 18% (10/55), 3¸í ÀÌ»óÀÎ °æ¿ì 33% (5/15)¿´´Ù(p=0.27).
6) À§¾Ï ¹× ¼ÒÈ­¼º±Ë¾çÀÇ °¡Á··Â À¯¹«º° H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº Åë°èÇÐÀûÀ¸·Î À¯ÀÇÇÑ Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ¾ø¾ú´Ù(p£¾0.05).
7) ºÎ¸ðÀÇ Á÷¾÷º° H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·üÀº Åë°èÇÐÀûÀ¸·Î À¯ÀÇÇÑ Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ¾ø¾ú´Ù(p£¾0.05)
8) ¿¬·É, ¼Òµæ¼öÁØ, ÁÖ°Åȯ°æ, °¡Á·±¸¼º¿ø ¼ö, À§¾Ï ¹× ¼ÒÈ­¼º±Ë¾çÀÇ °¡Á··Â¿¡ µû¸¥ ·ÎÁö½ºÆ½ ȸ±ÍºÐ¼®À» ½ÃÇàÇÑ °á°ú H. pylori IgG Ç×ü ¾ç¼º·ü°ú °¡Àå ±íÀº °ü°è¸¦ °®´Â »ýÈ°¿äÀÎÀº °¡Á·¼öÀÇ Áõ°¡¿´À¸¸ç, ºñ±³À§Çèµµ´Â 1.5¿´´Ù(p=0.003).

°á ·Ð: ¼­¿ï Áö¿ª ÃʵîÇлýÀÇ H. pylori ¾ç¼º·üÀº ¿¬·É¿¡ ºñ·ÊÇÏ¿© Áõ°¡ÇÏ´Â ¾ç»óÀ» º¸¿´À¸¸ç Æò±Õ °¨¿°·üÀº 16.7%¿´°í, H. pylori °¨¿°·ü¿¡ ¿µÇâÀ» ¹ÌÄ¡´Â À¯ÀÏÇÑ »ýȰȯ°æÀû ¿äÀÎÀº °¡Á· ±¸¼º¿øÀÇ ¼ö¿´À¸¸ç odds ratio´Â 1.5À̾ú´Ù. ¿ì¸® ³ª¶ó¿Í °°ÀÌ ºñ±³Àû ´ë°¡Á·Á¦µµ°¡ ¸¹Àº »ýȰȯ°æ¿¡¼­´Â °¡Á·±¸¼º¿øÀÇ ¼ö°¡ H. pylori °¨¿°·üÀ» Áõ°¡½ÃÅ°´Â ¿äÀÎÀÇ Çϳª°¡ µÉ °ÍÀ¸·Î »ý°¢µÈ´Ù.

Purpose: We measured anti-H. pylori IgG in Korean elementary school children living in Shinchon area of Seoul, Korea to evaluate the influence of environmental living standards on H. pylori infection.

Methods: IgG antibodies to H. pylori were measured in plasma using a commercial ELISA kit (GAP IgG Helicobacter pylori, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Hercules, CA, USA). Information on environmental status such as place of birth, parental income, type of housing, number of persons in the household, parents¡¯ occupation, family history of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer was obtained. Statistical analysis was done by Chi-square and logistic regression test using SPSS 7.0TM for Windows.

Results: Study subjects consisted of 571 children, and the age distribution ranged from 6.0 to 13.6 years with a mean of 9.6 1.8 years. Male-to-female ratio was 1.1£º1. The seropositive rates of H. pylori infection ranged from 10.4% in children aged 6 years to 30.9% in 12 year-old group, overall 16.8%. The prevalence of H. pylori infection progressively increased with age, but there was no significant difference in seropositive rates among children in different age groups (p=0.06). Seropositive rates of anti-H. pylori IgG on the basis of gender, place of birth, parental income, type of housing, parents¡¯ occupation, family history of peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer showed no statistically significant difference. Interestingly, however, seropositive rate of anti-H. pylori IgG showed statistical significance in relation to number of persons in the household (p=0.003; Odds ratio 1.50 by logistic regression test).

Conclusion: These results suggest that number of persons in the household is the most important factor among environmental living standards, and that risk of H. pylori infection increases by increment of 1.5 times as the number of persons in the household increases by one.


Environment;Living standards;Helicobacter pylori;Korea;Elementary school;Children

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