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ÇüÁ¦¿¡¼­ ¹ß»ýÇÑ Rotor ÁõÈıº 2·Ê Two Cases of Rotor Syndrome in Siblings

´ëÇѼҾƼÒÈ­±â¿µ¾çÇÐȸÁö 2002³â 5±Ç 1È£ p.101 ~ 107
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±è¿ë±¹ ( Kim Yong-Kuk ) 
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ÀÌÁ¤º¹ ( Lee Jung-Bok ) 
°¡ÃµÀÇ°úÇдëÇб³ ¼Ò¾Æ°úÇб³½Ç
ÀÓÇý¶ó ( Lim Hae-Ra ) 
°¡ÃµÀÇ°úÇдëÇб³ ¼Ò¾Æ°úÇб³½Ç
·ùÀÏ ( Ryoo Eell ) 
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Â÷ÇÑ ( Tchah Hann ) 
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ÀÌÇмö ( Lee Hak-Soo ) 
°¡ÃµÀÇ°úÇдëÇб³ ¼Ò¾Æ°úÇб³½Ç
±èÁ¾È£ ( Kim Jong-Ho ) 
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Á¤µ¿ÇØ ( Chung Dong-Hae ) 
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We experienced two cases of Rotor syndrome in brothers who were a 13 year-old boy and an 11 year-old boy, respectively. They presented with icteric scleras for a few months. Their common laboratory characteristics were as follows: Direct bilirubin was more increased than indirect bilirubin, but aminotransferases were normal. Plasma indocyanine green (ICG) test revealed hepatic excretory defect: plasma ICG concentrations 15 minutes after intravenous injection were 80.45% and 78.28%, respectively. 99mTc-DISIDA Hepatobiliary scan showed that severely decreased hepatic extraction with mild cardiac blood pool, markedly delayed biliary excretion in both intra- & extra- hepatic bile ducts, delayed visualization of gall bladder, and markedly delayed intestinal biliary passage. Needle liver biopsy showed normal hepatic histology without pigmentation.


Rotor syndrome;Siblings

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