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¼Ò¾ÆÀÇ À§Àå°ü À̹°¿¡ ´ëÇÑ °íÂû Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies: Review of 96 Cases

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Purpose: Foreign body swallowing is common in children. Most of foreign bodies passed upper esophagus are removed spontaneously. But recently, therapeutic endoscopy in children is widely used. In this study, we reviewed gastric foreign bodies regarding types, location, interval from swallowing, complications, and treatment or method of removal.

Methods: We reviewed medical records of 96 cases with foreign bodies in gastrointestinal tract at Department of Pediatrics in Gyeongsang National University Hospital (GNUH) from Feb 1987 to Feb 2002.

Results: The peak age of patients (male=60, female=36) with foreign bodies in gastrointestinal tract was 2 to 5 years of age. Sixty two patients (64.5%) were asymptomatic. The location of foreign bodies in gastrointestinal tract were
detected by simple X-ray in eighty one patients (86.0%), barium study (1 case), and gastroduodenoscopy in 37 cases. The most common location was stomach (63.5%). The most common foreign body was coin (41.7%). In thirty seven cases (38.5%), foreign bodies were removed with flexible gastroduodenoscopy. Fifty four patients (56.3%) visited GNUH in 24 hours after swallowing foreign bodies. The long interval (over 24 hours) of swallowing of foreign bodies is related with high frequency of endoscopic removal.

Conclusion: The flexible gastroduodenoscopy was effective in diagnosis and removal of foreign bodies. Further studies for indication and validity of endoscopic removal of foreign bodies in upper gastrointestinal tract are needed.


Gastriointestinal foreign body;Spontaneous removal;Endoscopy

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