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PURPOSE: To evaluate the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding associated with use of low-dose aspirin in children.

METHODS: Among about 250 children who received low-dose aspirin (5 mg/kg/day) under the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease, from March 1995 to May 2001, at Eul-Ji general hospital, 100 children were enrolled in this study. We reviewed the medical records and interviewed the children¡¯s parents over the phone to confirm the existence of gross gastrointestinal bleeding.

RESULTS: The age of the children at the beginning of medication ranged 4~118 months. About 75% of them was younger than 3 years old. The duration of medication ranged 0.5~17 months. About 70% of the children took the medicine for 2~3 months. Only 1 child (1%) had hematochezia during medication without any accompanying gastrointestinal symptom, and cimetidine for 1 week had cleared up the bleeding. The total duration of medication of 100 children was 341.5 months, and only 1 child had gastrointestinal bleeding. This translates into a rate of clinically significant gastrointestinal bleeding of 3.5 episodes/100 children/year.

CONCLUSION: The long-term use of low-dose aspirin is safe, but, is associated with the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding in children. Careful follow-up and efforts to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding are necessary during long-term low-dose aspirin therapy in children.


Low dose aspirin;Gastrointestinal bleeding;Children

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