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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine clinical significance of dual-probe esophageal pH monitoring and to compare four pH monitoring parameters between proximal and distal esophagus in pathological gastroesophageal reflux disease with recurrent respiratory symptoms.

METHODS: Among the thirty-four patients who were performed 24 hr pH monitoring, seventeen patients with pathological distal reflux were classified into two groups: Group I (n£º12) had recurrent respiratory symptoms and Group II (n£º5) hadn¡¯t recurrent respiratory symptoms. The ambulatory dual-probe esophageal pH monitoring was performed for 18~24 hr. A pathologic GER was defined when reflux index (percent of the investigation time a pH£¼4) exceeded the 95th percentile of normal value.

RESULTS: Among the sixteen patients with recurrent respiratory symptoms, twelve patients (75%) have pathological distal reflux. Whereas among the eighteen patients without recurrent respiratory symptom, five patients (28%) have pathological distal reflux. In the Group I, the significant differences between proximal and distal esophageal pH recordings persisted for all parameters, but didn¡¯t persist in group II except for longest episode. Comparing esophageal pH four parameters between group I and group II at the proximal esophageal site, all parameters didn¡¯t show statistically significant differences.

CONCLUSION: Regardless of respiratory symptoms, patients with pathological distal reflux didn¡¯t show statistically significant differences in the all parameters at the proximal esophageal site. Therefore we may reconsider usefulness of dual probe pH meter in patients with recurrent respiratory symptoms.


GERD;Recurrent respiratory symptoms;Dual-probe pH monitoring

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