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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to detect viral coproantigens in children who were hospitalized with acute diarrhea and to compare its association with clinical symptoms.

Methods: Seventy-four stool samples were collected from children admitted to Ewha Mokdong Hospital from March 1996 to December 1999. The samples were frozen and analyzed for rotavirus, adenovirus, enterovirus, astrovirus, and calicivirus by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) with monoclonal antibody. 53 stool samples were collected from patients with diarrhea (diarrheal group) and 21 stool samples from patients hospitalized for reasons other than diarrhea (control group). Clinical features and laboratory findings were reviewed in both groups.

Results:Among 74 stool samples, virus antigens were detected in 60 samples. Of the 60 virus-positive stool samples, 47 enterovirus, 26 rotavirus, 16 adenovirus, 11 astrovirus, and 11 calicivirus antigens were detected by EIA. Of the 60 virus-positive stool samples, 28 samples have one viral antigen, 30 samples have 2 or more viral antigens, and 2 samples showed a simultaneous infection of Salmonella group B and enterovirus. There was no relationship between the detected virus and clinical features.

Conclusion:In this study, viral coproantigen and clinical symptoms were not associated. In the future, further larger scale studies are necessary.



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