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Purpose: The aim of this survey was to analyze the choice of sedative drugs and their side effects during pediatric endoscopic sedation in Korea. We also evaluated doctors, caretakers and patient satisfaction with the procedures.

Methods: Between June 2006 and July 2006, a 16-item survey regarding current sedation practices, during one month, was mailed to 28 hospitals in Korea. The results of the survey responses were then analyzed.

Results: Endoscopy performed under conscious sedation was reported in 89.0% of the responders and endoscopy under general anesthesia in 0.9% of 465 endoscopic procedures. Endoscopy under conscious sedation was performed in 89.1% for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (GFS) and 88.1% for lower GFS. Midazolam was used for conscious sedation during the endoscopy in 84.5% of cases and propofol was used in two cases (0.5%). In addition, a bezodiazepine/opioid combination was used iin 84.6% (44 cases) for lower GFS. Patients were monitored with pulse oxymetry, EKG (91.4%) as well as automatic BP (5.1%). Transient hypoxia was the only side effect noted and was treated with supplemental oxygen (4.6%). Flumazenil was used in 2.71% of cases. The choice of sedation was made by the endoscopist (84%). The satisfaction rate for endoscopists was 68%, and for the patients and caretakers was 84% (as reported by the endoscopists).

Conclusion: Midazolam was used only for the upper GFS and benzodiazepine/opioid combination was used for the lower GFS in Korea. The rate of satisfaction was relatively high and there were no significant side effects noted during the endoscopy under conscious sedation. (Korean J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2008; 11: 21¡­27)


Pediatric endoscopic sedation;Midazolam;Benzodiazepine/opioid combination

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