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¿µÀ¯¾Æ °Ç°­°ËÁø ¿µ¾ç ¹®Áø ¹× Áöħ °³¹ß Development of a Nutrition Questionnaire and Guidelines for the Korea National Health Screening Program for Infants and Children

´ëÇѼҾƼÒÈ­±â¿µ¾çÇÐȸÁö 2008³â 11±Ç 1È£ p.42 ~ 55
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Purpose: A new health policy, referred to as the National Health Screening Program for Infants and Children, was launched in November 2007 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and National Health Insurance Corporation in Korea. We have developed a nutrition-counseling program that was incorporated into this project.

Methods: We reviewed the nutritional guidelines published by The Korean Pediatric Society and internationally well-known screening programs such as Bright Future in the United States. We also reviewed the recent Korean national surveys on nutritional issues, including the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) and the 2005 National Survey of Physical Body and Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents. The development of questions, pamphlets, computer programs, and manuals for doctors was carried out after several meetings of researchers and governmental officers.

Results: We summarized the key nutritional issues according to age, including breastfeeding in infants, healthier complementary feeding, and prevention of iron deficiency anemia, establishment of healthier diets, as well as dietary prevention of overweight children with an emphasis on physical exercise. We have constructed a new Korean nutrition questionnaire and an anticipatory guidance program based on the primary care schedule of visits at 4, 9, 18, 30, and 60 months of age. Five to eight questions were asked at each visit and age-matched pamphlets for parents and guidelines for doctors were provided.

Conclusion: We developed a nutrition-counseling program based on recent scientific evidence for Korean infants and children. Further research on this national program for screening the nutritional problems in detail and setting the therapeutic approaches may help identify areas of success as well as those that need further attention. (Korean J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2008; 11: 42¡­55)


Health policy;Nutrition;Infant;Children;Counseling;Questionnaire;Breastfeeding;Obesity

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