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The Role of Capsule Endoscopy in the Diagnosis of Crohn¡¯s Disease

´ëÇѼҾƼÒÈ­±â¿µ¾çÇÐȸÁö 2012³â 15±Ç 1È£ p.8 ~ 12
Rhee Kang-Won,
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 ( Rhee Kang-Won ) 
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The examination of small bowel in Crohn¡¯s disease (CD) is very important. Capsule endoscopy (CE) has been recognized as a good tool for evaluation of small bowel. The capsule placement is achieved endoscopically for Children not to swallow capsule. CE is superior to any other modalities for examination of small-bowel. The large portion of pediatric patients with known CD were found with CE to have more extensive and newly diagnostic small-bowel disease. All of them had therapeutic changes. The most side effect of CE is capsule retention. The capsule retention rate in pediatric CD is about 7.3%. The patency capsule helps to predict the possibility of capsule retention. For the improving of the diagnostic accuracy, the experience of more than 20 readings of CE is needed.


Capsule endoscopy; Crohn¡¯s disease; Small intestine; Child

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