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Recent Trends in the Endoscopic Management of Variceal Bleeding in Children

´ëÇѼҾƼÒÈ­±â¿µ¾çÇÐȸÁö 2013³â 16±Ç 1È£ p.1 ~ 9
±è½ÂÁø, ±è°æ¸ð,
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±è½ÂÁø ( Kim Seung-Jin ) 
University of Ulsan College of Medicine Asan Medical Center Children¡¯s Hospital Department of Pediatrics

±è°æ¸ð ( Kim Kyung-Mo ) 
University of Ulsan College of Medicine Asan Medical Center Children¡¯s Hospital Department of Pediatrics


Variceal bleeding results in significant morbidity and mortality in both children and adults. The guidelines for the management of variceal bleeding are well established in adults but not in children as there have been insufficient pediatric studies of this disorder. In addition, the adult guidelines for treatment of variceal bleeding cannot be applied directly to children as the etiology and natural course of this disease differs between children and adults. Examples of recommended treatments in children include endoscopic variceal ligation as secondary prophylaxis for biliary atresia whereas a meso-Rex shunt operation for extrahepatic portal vein obstruction. In this review, we discuss prophylaxis options and some technical aspects of endoscopic management for variceal bleeding in children.


Esophageal and gastric varices;Prevention & Control;Therapeutics;Child

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