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Abnormality on Liver Function Test

´ëÇѼҾƼÒÈ­±â¿µ¾çÇÐȸÁö 2013³â 16±Ç 4È£ p.225 ~ 232
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°­±â¼ö ( Kang Ki-Soo ) 
Jeju National University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics


Children with abnormal liver function can often be seen in outpatient clinics or inpatients wards. Most of them have respiratory disease, or gastroenteritis by virus infection, accompanying fever. Occasionally, hepatitis by the viruses causing systemic infection may occur, and screening tests are required. In patients with jaundice, the tests for differ-ential diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important. In the case of a child with hepatitis B virus infection vertically from a hepatitis B surface antigen positive mother, the importance of the recognition of immune clearance can¡¯t be overstressed, for the decision of time to begin treatment. Early diagnosis changes the fate of a child with Wilson disease. So, screening test for the disease should not be omitted. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is mainly discovered in obese children, is a new strong candidate triggering abnormal liver function. Muscular dystrophy is a representative disease mimicking liver dysfunction. Although muscular dystrophy is a progressive disorder, and early diagnosis can¡¯t change the fate of patients, it will be better to avoid parent¡¯s blame for delayed diagnosis.


Liver function tests; Child

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