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Purpose : Although local recurrence rates of stomach cancer after radical surgery have
been reported in the range of 30-70%, the role of postoperative adjuvant therapy has not
been established, We report the result of radiotherapy in resected stomach cancer with
positive surgical margin to elucidate the role of postoperative radiotherapy.
Materials and Methods : From June 1991 to August 1996, twenty five Patients with
Positive surgical margins after radical gastrectomy were treated with postoperative
radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Median dose of radiation was 55.8Gy and the range was
44.6-59.4Gy Second cycle of chemotherapy was delivered concurrently with radiation and
total number of six cycles were delivered. Twenty three had adenocarcinoma and the
other two had leiomyosarcoma. The numbers of patients with stage I B, ¥±, ¥²A, ¥²B,
and ¥³ were 1, 2, 11, 10 and 1 respectively. Positive margins at distal end of the
stomach were in 17 patients and proximal in 5. The other three patients had positive
margin at the sites of adjacent organ invasion Minimum and median follow-up periods
were 12 months and 18 months, respectively.
Results : Twenty-four of 25 patients received prescribed radiation dose and
RTOG glade 3 toxicity of UGI tract was observed in 3, all of which were weight loss
more than 15% of their pretreatment weight. But hematemesis, melena, intestinal
obstruction or grade 4 toxicity were not found. Locoregional failure within the radiation
field was observed in 7 patients, and distant metastasis in 10 patients. Sites of
locoregional recurrences involve anastomosis/remnant stomach in 3, tumor bed/duodenal
stump in 3, regional lymph node in 1 patient. Peritoneal seeding occurred in 6, liver
metastases months and median disease free survival time was 26 months. Stages
andradiation dose were not significant prognostic factors for locoregional in 2. and
distant nodes in 2 patients. Four year disease specificsurvival rate was 40% and disease
free survival was 48%. Median survival was 35 failures.
Conclusion : Although all patients in this study had positive surgical margins,
locoregional failure rate was 28%, and 4 rear disease specific survival rate was 40%.
Considering small number of patients and relatively short follow-up period, it is not
certain that postoperative radiotherapy lowered locoregional recurrences, but we could
find a possibility of the role of postoperative radiotherapy in patients with high risk


Postoperative radiotherapy; Stomach cancer;

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