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Purpose : Treatment of choice for uterine cervix cancer stage ¥±B is radiotherapy. We
analyzed survivals, Prognostic factors, patterns of failure and complications.
Material and Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of 167 Patients with stage ¥±B
carcinoma of uterine cervix treated with curative external pelvic and high dose rate
intracavitary radiotherapy at the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Soonchunhyang
University Hospital from August 1985 to August 1994. All the patients followed up from
3 to 141 months(mean 60 months) and age of patients ranged from 31 to 78 years at
presentation(mean, 55 years).
Results : Overall complete response rate was 84%. The response rate for squamous
cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma were 86% and 60%, respectively. Overall 5-years
survival rate and disease free survival rate was 62 and 59%, respectively. Mass size and
treatment response were significant prognostic factors for survival. Pathologic type and
parametrial involvement were marginally significants Prognostic factors. Local failure
was 43 cases, distant metastasis was 14 cases and local failure plus distant metastasis
was 3 cases, and most of local failures occurred within 24 months, distant metastasis
within 12 months after treatment. Twenty eight(16.8%) patients developed late rectal and
urinary complications. There were tendency to increasing severity and frequency
according to increased fractional dose and total(rectal and bladder) dose.
Conclusions : Survival rate was significantly related to tumor size and radiotherapy
response. Tumor size should be considered in the clinical staging. To increased survival
and local control, clinical trials such as decreasing duration of radiotherapy or addition of
chemotherapy is needed. To detect early recurrence, regular follow up after RT is
important. Because total rectal and bladder dose affected late complications, meticulous
vaginal packing is needed to optimize dose of normal tissues and to decrease late


Cervix cancer; Radiotherapy; Prognostic factor; HDR ICR; Complication;

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