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¸í¸í)ÀÇ µÎ°³°ñ ºÎÀ§¿¡ 4°³ÀÇ ÇÉ¿¡ ÀÇÇØ Leksell stereotactoc frameÀ» °íÁ¤½ÃÅ°°í ³ú´ÜÃþ
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Purpose : Since the mid cranial fossa is composed of various thickness of bone, the
tissue inhomogeneity caused by bone would produce dose attenuation in cobalt-60
gamma knife irradiation. The correction factor for bone attenuation of cobalt-60 which is
used for gamma knife source is -3.5%. More importantly, nearly all the radiosurgery
treatment planning systems assume a treatment volume of unit density; any perturbation
due to tissue inhomogeneity is neglected. This study was performed to confirm the bone
attenuation in mid cranial fossa using gamma knife.
Materials and Methods : Computed topography was performed after Leksell
stereotactic frame had been fixed to the Alderson Rando phantom (human phantom)
skull area. Kodak X-omat V film was inserted into two sites of pituitary adenoma point
and acoustic neurinoma point, and irradiated by gamma knife with 14mm and 18mm
collimator. An automatic scanning densitometer with a 1mm aperture is used to measure
the dose profile along the x and y axis.
Results : Isodose curve constriction in mid cranial fossa is observed with various
ranges. Pituitary tumor point is greater than acoustic neurinoma point (.0.2-3.0 mm vs. 0
1-1.3 mm) and generally 14 mm collimator is greater than 18mm collimator (0.4-3.0 mm
vs. 0.2-2.2 mm). Even though the isodose constriction is found, constriction of 50%
isodose curve which is used for treatment reference line does not exceed 1 mm This
range is too small to influence the treatment planning and treatment results.
Conclusion : Radiosurgery planning system of gamma knife does not show significant
error to be corrected without consideration of bone attenuation.


Gamma knife; Tissue heterogeneity; Film dosimetry;

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