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Purpose : To evaluate the role of conventional Postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy in
the management of supratentorial malignant glioma and to determine favorable
prognostic factors affecting survival.
Material and Methods : From Sep. 1985 to Mar. 1997. the number of eligible patients
who received postoperative radiotherapy completely was 69. They ranged in age from 7
to 66 years (median 47). Forty-two (61%) patients were glioblastoma multiforme and the
other 27 (39%) were anaplastic astrocytoma. Twenty patients (29%) had Karnofsky
score equal or more than 80 preoperatively. Forty-three patients (62%) had symptom
duration equal or less than 3 months. Twenty-four Patients (35%) had gross total
resection and forty patients(58%) had partial resection, the remaining five patients (7%)
had biopsy only. Radiotherapy dose ranged from 50.4 Gy to 61.2 Gy (median. 55.8: mode,
59.4) with fraction size of 1.8 Gy-2.0 Gy for 33-83 days(median. 48) except three
patients delivered 33. 36, 39 Gy, respectively with fraction size of 3.0 Gy due to poor
postoperative performance status. Follow-up rate was 93% and median follow-up period
was 14 months.
Results : Overall survival rate at 2 and 3 years and median survival were 38%, 20%,
and 16 months for entire patients: 67%, 44%, and 34 months for anaplastic astrocytoma:
18%, 4%, and 14 months for glioblastoma multiforme, respectively (p=0.0001). According
to the extent of surgery. 3-year overall survival for cross total resection, partial
resection, and biopsy only was 38%, 11%, and 0%, respectively (¥â=0.02). The 3-year
overall survival rates for patients age 40>, 40-59, and 60¡Â were 52%, 8%, and 0%
respectively (p=0.0007). For the variate of performance score 80¡Â vs 80>, the 3-year
survival rates were 53% and 9%, respectively (p=0.008). On multivariate analysis
including covariates of three surgical and age subgroups as above, pathology, extent of
surgery and age were significant prognostic factors affecting overall survival. On
another multivariate analysis with covariates of two surgical (total resection vs others)
and two age (50> vs 50¡Â) subgroups, then, pathology, extent of surgery and
performance status were significant factors instead of age and 3-year cumulative
survival rate for the five patients with these three favorable factors was 100% without
serious sequoia.
Conclusion : We confirmed the role of postoperative conventional radiotherapy in the
management of supratentorial malignant glioma by improving survival as compared with
historical data of surgery only. Patients with anaplastic astrocytoma, mood performance
score, gross total resection and/or young age survived longest. Maximum surgical
resection with acceptable preservation of neurologic function should be attempted in
glioblastoma patients, especially in younger patients. But the survival of most
glioblastoma patients without favorable factors is still poor, so other active adjuvant
treatment modalities should be tried or added rather than conventional radiation
treatment alone in this subgroup.


Postoperative Radiation Therapy; Supratentorial Malignant Glioma;

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