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Purpose : We retrospectively analyzed the impact of subpleural lesions of early stage
non-small cell lung cancer on the patterns of failure to support selection of
postoperative adjuvant therapy.
Methods and Materials : The study included 91 patients who underwent surgery for
early stage non-snarl cell lung cancer at Dong-A University Hospital from Dec 1990 to
Sep 1996. Twenty five patients were excluded due to postoperative mortality (four
patients. 4.4%) and stage ¥² (21 patients). Of 66 patients, 22 patients were subpleural
lesions (15 patients in stage ¥°, and seven patients in stage ¥±). Postoperative adjuvant
radiation therapy was given to seven patients with T2N1 disease. The median follow-up
duration was 29.5 months (range : 8-84 months).
Results : The overall survival rate was 69.5% at 3 years. For all patients who
presented with (22 patients) and without (44 patients) subpleural lesions, 3-year overall
survival rates were 35.5% and 84.6%, respectively (p=0.0017). For stage ¥° patients who
presented with (15 patients) and without (29 patients) subpreural lesions, 3-year overall
survival rates were 33.1% and 92.3%, respectively (p=0.001). For stage ¥± patients who
presented with (7 patients) and without (15 patients) subpleural lesions, 3-year overall
survival rates were 53.3% and 45.7%, respectively (p=0.911). For patients with T2N0
disease (34 patients) who presented with (11 patients) and without (23 patients)
subpleural lesions. 3-year overall survival rates were 27.3% and 90.3%, respectively
Conclusion : These observations suggest that the subpleural lesion play an important
role as a prognostic factor for early stage non-small cell lung cancer. Especially for
T2N0 disease. patients with subpleural lesions showed significantly lower survival rate
than those without that.


Early stage non-small cell lung cancer; Subpleural lesion;

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