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Purpose : Although small cell lung cancer (SCLC) has high response rate to
chemotherapy and radiotherapy (RT), the prognosis is disbar. The authors evaluated
survival and failure patterns according to the prognostic tractors in SCLC patients who
had thoracic radiation therapy with chemotherapy.
Materials and Methods : One hundred and twenty nine patients with SCLC had
received thoracic radiation therapy from August 1985 to December 1996. Seventy-seven
accessible patients were evaluated retrospectively among 87 patients who completed RT.
Median follow-up period was 14 months (2-87months).
Results : The two years survival rate was 13% with a median survival time of 14
months. The two year survival rates of limited disease and extensive disease were 20%
and 8%. respectively. with median survival time of 14 months and 9 months,
respectively. Twenty two patients (88%) of limited disease showed complete response
(CR) and 3 patients (12%) did partial response (PR). The two year survival rates on CR
and PR grouts were 24% and 0%, with median survival times of 14 months and 5
months. respectively (p=0.005). No patients with serum sodium were lower than 135
mmol/L survived 2 years and their median survival time was 7 months (p=0.002).
Patients whose alkaline phophatase lower than 130 IU/L showed 26% of 2 year survival
rate and showed median survival time of 14 months and those with alkaline phosphatase
higher than 130 IU/L showed no 2 rear survival and median survival time of 5 the
months, respectively (p=0.019). No statistical differences were found according to the
age, sex, and performance status. Among the patients with extensive disease, two year
survivals according to the metastatic sites were 14%, 0%, and 7% in brain, liver, and
other metastatic sites, respectively, with median survival time of 9 months, 9 months,
and 8 months, respectively (p>0.05). Two years survivals on CR grouts and PR grouts
were 15% and 4%, respectively, with a median survival time of 11 months and 7
months. respectively (p=0.01).
Conclusion : For SCLC, complete response after chemoradiotherapy was the most
significant prognostic factor. To achieve this goal, there should be further investigation
about hyperfractionation, dose escalation, and compatible chemo-radiation schedule such
as concurrent chemoradiation and early radiation therapy with chemotherapy.


Small cell lung cancer; Prognostic factor; Radiation therapy;

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