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¿¬ºÎ Á¶Á÷ À°Á¾ÀÇ ¼ö¼ú ÈÄ ¹æ»ç¼± Ä¡·á °á°ú Postoperative Radiation Therapy in the Soft-tissue Sarcoma

´ëÇѹæ»ç¼±Á¾¾çÇÐȸÁö 1998³â 16±Ç 4È£ p.485 ~ 495
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Purpose : The major goat of the therapy in the soft tissue sarcoma is to control both
local and distant tumor. However, the technique of obtaining local control has changed
significantly over the past few decades from more aggressive surgery to combined
therapy including conservative surgery and radiation and/or chemotherapy. We
retrospectively analyzed the treatment results of the postoperative radiation therapy of
soft tissue sarcoma and its prognostic factor.
Materials and Methods : Between March 1983 and June 1994, 60 patients with soft
tissue sarcoma were treated with surgery and postoperative radiation therapy at
Kang-Nam St. Mary's hospital. Complete follow up was possible for all patients with
median follow up duration 50 months (range 6-162 months). There were 28 male and 32
female patients. Their age ranged from 6 to 83 with a median of 44 years. Extremity
(58%) was the most frequent site or occurrence followed by trunk (20%) and head and
neck (12%). Histologically malignant fibrous histiocytoma (23%), liposarcoma (17%),
malignant schwannoma (12%) constitute 52% of the patients. Daily radiation therapy
designed to treat all areas at a risk for tumor spread unto dose of 4500-5000 cGy. A
shrinking field technique was then used and total 55-65 Gy was delivered to tumor bed.
Twenty-five patients (42%) received chemotherapy with various regimen in the
postoperative period.
Results : Total 41 patients failed either with local recurrence or with distant
metastasis. There were 29 patients (48%) of local recurrence. Four patients (7%)
developed simultaneous local recurrence and distant metastasis and 8 patients (13%)
developed only distant metastasis. Local recurrence rate was rather higher than of other
reported series. This study included patients of grass residual, recurrent cases after
previous operation, trunk and head and neck primary. This feature is likely explanation
for the decreased local control rate. Five of 29 patients who failed only locally were
salvaged by re-excision and/or re-irradiation and remained free of disease. Factors
affecting local control include histologic type. grade. stage, extent of operation and
surgical margin involvement, lymph node metastasis (p<0.05). All 21 patients who failed
distantly are dead with progressive disease at the time of this report. Our overall
survival results are similar to those of larger series. Actuarial 5 year overall survival
and disease free survival were 60.4%, 36.6% respectively. Grade, stage (being close
association with tirade), residual disease (negative margin. microscopic, gloss) were
significant as a predictor of survival in our series (p<0.05).
Conclusion : Combined surgery and postoperative radiation therapy obtained 5year
survival rate comparable to that of radical surgery.


Soft tissue sarcoma; Postoperative radiation therapy; Multimodality therapy;

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