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N2 º´±â ºñ¼Ò¼¼Æ÷ Æó¾ÏÀÇ ¼ö¼ú Àü µ¿½ÃÈ­Çйæ»ç¼±¿ä¹ý Pre-operative Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for, Stage ¥²A(N2) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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Purpose : This is to evaluate the acute complication, resection rate, and tumor
down-staging after pre-operative concurrent chemoradiotherapy for stage ¥²A (N2)
non-staff cell lung cancer.
Materials and Methods : Fifteen patients with non-small cell lung cancer were
enrolled in this study from May 1997 to June 1998 in Samsung Medical Center. The
median age of the patients was 61 (range, 45¡­67 years and male to female ratio was
12:3. Pathologic types were squamous cell carcinoma (11) and adenocarcinoma (4).
Pre-operative clinical tumor stages were cT1 in 2 patients, cT2 in 12, and cT3 in 1 and
all were N2. Ten patients were proved to be N2 with mediastinoscopic biopsy and five
had clinically evident mediastinal lymph node metastases on the chest CT scans.
Pre-operative radiation therapy field included the primary tumor, the ipsilateral hilum,
and the mediastinum. Total radiation dose was 45 §í over 5 weeks with daily dose of
1.8 §í. Pre-operative concurrent chemotherapy consisted of two cycles of intravenous
cia-Platin (100 §·/m2) on day 1 and oral Etoposide (50 §·
/m2/today) on days 1 through 14 with 4 weeks' interval. Surgery was
followed after the pre-operative re-evaluation including chest CT scan in 3 weeks of the
completion of the concurrent chemoradiotherapy if there was no evidence of disease
Results : Full dose radiation therapy was administered to all the 15 patients. Planned
two cycles of chemotherapy was completed in 11 patients and one cycle was given to
four. One treatment related death of acute respiratory distress syndrome occurred in 15
days of surgery. Hospital admission was required in three patients including one with
radiation pneumonitis and two with neutropenic fever. Hematologic complications and
other acute complications including esophagitis were tolerable. Resection rate was 92.3%
(12f13) in 13 patients excluding two patients who refused surgery. Pleural seeding was
found in one patient after thoracotomy and tumor resection was not feasible.
Post-operative tumor stagings were pT0 in 3 patients, pT1 in 6, and pT2 in 3. Lymph
Node Status findings were pN0 in 8 patients, pN1 in 1, and pN2 in 3. Pathologic tumor
down-staging was 61.5%(8/13) including complete response in three patients (23.7%).
Tumor stage was unchanged in four patients (30.8%) and progression was in one
Conclusion : Pre-operative concurrent chemoradiotherapy for Stage ¥²A (N2)
non-small, cell lung cancer demonstrated satisfactory results with no increased severe
acute complications. This treatment scheme deserves more patient accrual with
long-term follow-up.


ºñ¼Ò¼¼Æ÷ Æó¾Ï; ¼ö¼ú Àü µ¿½ÃÈ­Çйæ»ç¼±¿ä¹ý; Non-small cell lung cancer; Pre-operative Concurrent chemoradiotherapy;

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