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Purpose : The aim of this study is to look for the possible efficacy of external
irradiation for locally advanced papillary thyroid cancers (stage pT4 or N1).
Materials and Methods : From August 1981 through September 1997, 91 Patients with
locally advanced papillary thyroid cancers (stage pT4 or N1 ) have been treated with
external irradiation and followed up at our clinic. All of the patients have been treated
with surgical resection. After surgery, 23 patients received postoperative external
irradiation with or without ablative radioiodine therapy, whereas the other 68 patients
were treated with ablative radioiodine therapy alone. Distributions of sex, age, and stage
were comparable in both irradiated and nonirradiated groups. Multivariate analysis of the
influence by age, sex, stage, ablative radioiodine therapy and external irradiation on local
control were performed by using Cox's proportional hazard model.
Results : Overall survival rates at 7 years were of no significant difference in both
groups. There were 98.1% for no RT group and 90% for RT group (p=0.506). 5-year
local control rates were significantly different, these were 95.2% for RT group and
67.5% for no RT group (¥â=0.0408). An analysis of the prognostic factors, age, sex,
stage, and RAI were not significant variables, except for the external irradiation.
Conclusion : Adjuvant postoperative external irradiation did not affect overall survival,
but significantly improved focal control in the patients with locally advanced papillary
thyroid cancers (slake pT4 or lymph node involvement).


±¹¼ÒÁ¦¾îÀ²; °©»ó¼±À¯µÎ¾Ï; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Local control; Papillary thyroid cancer; External irradiation;

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