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´ëÇѹæ»ç¼±Á¾¾çÇÐȸÁö 1999³â 17±Ç 3È£ p.195 ~ 202
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¸íÀÇ È¯ÀÚ¸¦ ´ë»óÀ¸·Î ÈÄÇâÀû ºÐ¼®À» ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù. ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á ´Üµ¶±ºÀÌ 85¸í, º´ÇÕ¿ä¹ý ±ºÀÌ
45¸íÀ̾ú´Ù. ¿¬·É, ¼ºº°, Àü½Å ¼öÇà´É·Â, º´¸®Á¶Á÷ÇÐÀû À¯Çü, ±×¸®°í º´±â µîÀº ¾ç±º¿¡¼­ °í
¸£°Ô ºÐÆ÷ÇÏ¿´´Ù. ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á´Â 6 MV ȤÀº 10 MV ¼±Çü°¡¼Ó±â¸¦ »ç¿ëÇÏ¿´°í, ÀÏÀÏ ¼±·®
1.8¡­2.0 §í¸¦ ÁÖ 5ȸ Á¶»çÇÏ¿´´Ù. ÃÑ ¹æ»ç¼±·®Àº 129¸í¿¡¼­ 59.6 §í ÀÌ»ó(56¡­66 §í, Áß¾Ó°ª
60 §í) Á¶»çµÇ¾ú´Ù. À¯µµ È­Çпä¹ýÀº 2¡­5ȸ(Áß¾Ó°ª 2ȸ) ½ÃÇàÇÏ¿´´Ù. »ç¿ëµÈ ¾àÁ¦´Â CAP
(Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Cisplatin)°¡ 6¸í, MVP (Mitomycin, Vinblastine,
Cisplatin)°¡ 9¸í, MIC (Mitomycin, Ifosfamide Cisplatin)ÀÌ 13·Ê, ±×¸®°í EP(Etoposide,
Clsplatin)°¡ 17¸í¿¡¼­ ½ÃÇàµÇ¾úÀ¸¸ç, ¸ðµç ¿ä¹ýÀÌ Cis-platinumÀ» Æ÷ÇÔÇÏ¿´´Ù.
°á °ú : Àüü ȯÀÚÀÇ »ýÁ¸À²Àº 1, 2, 3 ³â Àüü »ýÁ¸À²ÀÌ °¢°¢ 41.5, 13.7, 7% ¿´°í, Áß¾Ó
»ýÁ¸±â°£Àº 11°³¿ùÀ̾ú´Ù. Ä¡·á ¹æ¹ýº° 1, 2, 3 ³â Àüü »ýÁ¸À², ±×¸®°í Áß¾Ó »ýÁ¸±â°£Àº, ¹æ
»ç¼±Ä¡·á ´Üµ¶±ºÀÇ °æ¿ì °¢°¢ 32.9, 10.5, 6%, 9°³¿ùÀ̾úÀ¸¸ç, º´ÇÕ¿ä¹ý ±ºÀÇ °æ¿ì´Â °¢°¢
57.8, 20, 7.6%, 14 °³¿ùÀ̾ú´Ù(p=0.0005). ÃÖÁ¾ Ä¡·á ¹ÝÀÀÀ» °üÂûÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ¾ú´ø 126¸í Áß 38¸í
(30.2%)¿¡¼­ ¿ÏÀü°üÇظ¦ º¸¿´°í, Ä¡·á ¹æ¹ýº°·Î ³ª´©¾î ºÐ¼®ÇÏ¿´À» °æ¿ì, ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á ´Üµ¶±º
¿¡¼­ ¿ÏÀü°üÇØ°¡ 25% (21/84), º´ÇÕ¿ä¹ý ±ºÀÇ °æ¿ì´Â 40.5% (17/42)¿¡¼­ ¿ÏÀü°üÇظ¦ º¸¿´´Ù
(p=0.09). »ýÁ¸À²¿¡ ¿µÇâÀ» ¹ÌÄ¡´Â ¿¹ÈÄ ÀÎÀÚ´Â Ç÷»ö¼ÒÄ¡(p=0.04), NSE (neuron-specific
enolase)Ä¡(p=0.004), ±×¸®°í ÃÖÁ¾ Ä¡·á ¹ÝÀÀ(p=0.004) µîÀ̾ú´Ù. Ä¡·á ¹æ¹ýº°·Î ³ª´©¾î¼­ ºÐ
¼®ÇÑ °á°ú, ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á ´Üµ¶±ºÀÇ °æ¿ì´Â NSEÄ¡(p=0.006)¿Í ÃÖÁ¾ Ä¡·á ¹ÝÀÀ(p=0.003), º´ÇÕ¿ä
¹ý±ºÀÇ °æ¿ì´Â ÃÖÁ¾ Ä¡·á¹ÝÀÀ(p=0.007)ÀÌ ¿¹ÈÄ ÀÎÀÚ¿´´Ù. Ä¡·á ½ÇÆоç»óÀº ÃßÀû °üÂûÀÌ °¡´É
Çß°í Ä¡·á¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ¹ÝÀÀÀ» ¾Ë ¼ö ÀÖ¾ú´ø 120¸íÀ» ´ë»óÀ¸·Î ºÐ¼®ÇÑ °á°ú, ¾ç±º°£¿¡ ƯÀÌÇÑ Â÷
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¿ä¹ý ±ºÀº 13¸íÁß 3¸í¿¡¼­ ¿ø°ÝÀüÀÌ°¡ ¹ß°ßµÇ¾ú´Ù(p=0.07). ±¹¼Ò ½ÇÆд ¿ÏÀü°üÇظ¦ º¸ÀΠȯ
ÀÚ¿¡¼­µµ ¾ç±º¿¡¼­ Â÷ÀÌ°¡ ¾ø¾ú´Ù(10/19 vs 6/13).
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Purpose : We performed this study to evaluate the prognostic factors and the effect of
induction chemotherapy in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancel (NSCLC).
Materials and Methods : A retrospective analysis was done for 130 patients with
locally advanced NSCLC treated with curative radiotherapy alone or induction
chemo-radiotherapy from January 1986 to October 1996. Eighty-five patients were
treated with radiotherapy alone, forty-five with induction chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Age, sex, performance status, histopathologic type, and stage were evenly distributed in
both groups. The patients were treated with 6 MV or 10 MV X-ray. Conventional
fractionation with daily fraction size 1.8¡­2.0 §í was done. Of the patients, 129 patients
received total dose above 59.6 §í (56¡­66 §í, median 60 §í). Induction chemotherapy
regimen were CAP (Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Cisplatin) in 6 patients, MVP
(Mitomycin, Vinblastine, Cisplatin) in 9 patients, MIC (Mitomycin, Ifosfamide Cisplatin)
in 13 patients, and EP (Etoposide, Cisplatin) in 17 patients. Chemotherapy was done in
2¡­5 cycles (median 2).
Results : Overall 1-, 2-, and 3-year survival rate (YSR) for all patients were 41.5%,
13.7%, and 7%, respectively (median survival time 11 months). According to treatment
modality, median survival time, overall 1-, 2-, and 3-YSR were 9 months, 32.9%, 10.5%,
6% for radiotherapy alone group, and 14 months, 57.8%, 20%, 7.6% for induction
chemotherapy group, respectively (p=0.0005). Complete response (CR) to overall
treatments was 25% (21/84) in radiotherapy alone and 40.5% (17/42) in induction
chemotherapy group (P=0.09). The Prognostic factors affecting overall survival were
hemoglobin level (p=0.04), NSE (neuron-specific enolase) level (p=0.004), and response to
overall treatment(p=0.004). According to treatment modalities, NSE (neuron-specific
enolase) (p=0.006) and response to overall treatment (p=0.003) were associated with
overall survival in radiotherapy alone group, and response to overall treatment (p=0.007)
in induction chemotherapy group. The failure pattern analysis revealed no significant
difference between treatment modalities. But, in patients with CR to overall treatment,
distant metastasis were found in 11/19 patients with radiotherapy alone, arid 3/13
patients with induction chemotherapy and radiotherapy (p=0.07). Locoregional failure
patterns were not different between two groups (10/19 vs 6/13).
Conclusion : Induction chemotherapy and radiotherapy achieved increased 2YSR
compared to radio-therapy alone. At least in CR patients, there was decreased tendency
in distant metastasis with induction chemotherapy But, locoregional failures and
long-term survival were not improved. Thus, there is need of more effort to increasing
local control and further decreasing distant metastasis.


ºñ¼Ò¼¼Æ÷¼º Æó¾Ï; À¯µµ È­Çпä¹ý; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Non-Small cell lung cancer; Induction chemotherapy; Radiotherapy;

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