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Purpose : To evaluate the effectiveness of external radiation therapy and the
prognostic factors, we retrospectively analyzed therapeutic results of malignant
extrahepatic biliary obstruction (EHBO).
Methods and Materials : We analyzed the results of the external radiation therapy in
59 patients of inoperable malignant EHBO who had been treated with more than 10 §í,
of external radiation therapy from April 1984 to December 1996. There were 21 stomach
cancer (35.6%), 12 pancreas cancer(20.3%), 15 extrahepatic biliary cancer (18.6%) and 11
another cancer (18.6%). Their pathologies were confirmed in 31 patients (52.5%). They
divided into 27 adenocarcinoma and 4 nonadenocarcinoma. Their chief complaints were
jaundice in 47 patients (79.7%) and abdominal pain in 15 patients (49.2%). Twelve
patients had slightly increased bilirubin level in liver function test without jaundice. We
treated twenty four patients (40.6%) with percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage
(PTBD) and 32 patients (54%) with systemic chemotherapy (CT). We performed
external radiation therapy (ERT) upto 10.8¡­55.8 §í (median 37.8 §í) with palliative aim.
Results : Overall median survival duration was 7.80¡¾1.15 months. The response rats
of jaundice were 81.8% in PTBD group and 66.7% in non-PTBD group without
statistical significance. The improving rate of jaundice was not significantly different in
decreased ratio of total bilirubin level. But abdominal pain was more decreased in CT
group than non-CT group (¥â<0.05). The significant prognostic factors were high
performance status (Karnofski Performance Status >70), total radiation dose more than
35 Gy and good response of pain after therapy. There were increased in bacterial
cholagitis in PTBD group and gastrointestinal complications in CT group.
Conclusion : External radiotheapy could improve jaundice and abdominal pain in
malignant EHBO patients. Overall survival duration was prolonged in patients with
higher performance status and patients who had been treated with more than 35 §í of
total radiation dose. In the future, we expect not only better palliative role but also the
prolongation of survival of using the ERT combined with other treatment method. But
to achieve certain conclusion, we need luther study consisted with many kinds of
treatment methods including new technologies in RT.


°£¿Ü Æó¼â¼º Ȳ´Þ; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; Extra hepatic biliary obstruction; Radiotherapy;

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