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±¸°³ ¼±¾ç³¶Æ÷¾ÏÀÇ ±¸°³³» ħ½À -Áõ·Ê º¸°í- Intracranial Extension of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Palate - A Case Report-

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Intracranial involvement by adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is very rare and there is no
report of intracranial extension from the palate ACC in Korea. Intracranial involvement can
occur in one of three ways : direct extension, perineural spread, and hematogenous spread. A
case report of a 35-year-old woman with intracranial ACC is presented. Initially she had
ACC of the right palate and was treated by surgery and postoperative radiation therapy.
Three years and 10 months later, the paresthesia in the distribution of ophthalmic and
maxillary branch of right trigeminal nerve developed without evidence of recurrence in CT
scan. Ptosis and total ophthalmoplegia developed sequentially and the second operation was
performed. It was suggested that the tumor was spread perieurally along the trigeminal nerve
into the Gasserian ganglion and then cavernous sinus and orbit. Seven years and 6 months
after the first operation, direct intracranial extension into the right temporal lobe developed via
sphenoid bone, sphenoid sinus and temporal bone and the third operation was done. And then
lung metastasis was diagnosed. She is alive for 9 years 5 months after first operation.


±¸°³ ¼±¾ç³¶Æ÷¾Ï; µÎ°³³» ħ½À; Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the palate; Intracranial;

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