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Purpose : Although using the high energy photon beam with conventional parallel-opposed
beams radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, radiation-induced xerostomia is a
troublesome problem for patients. We conducted this study to explore a new parotid gland
sparing technique in 3-D conformal radiotherapy (3-D CRT) in an effort to prevent the
radiation-induced xerostomia.
Materials and Methods : We performed three different planning for four clinically
node-negative nasopharyngeal cancer patients with different location of tumor(intracranial
extension, nasal cavity extension, oropharyngeal extension, parapharyngeal extension), and
intercompared the plans. Total prescription dose was 70.2 Gy to the isocenter. For plan-A,
2-D parallel opposing fields, a conventional radiotherapy technique, were employed. For
plan-B, 2-D parallel opposing fields were used up until 54 Gy and afterwards 3-D
non-coplanar beams were used. For plan-C, the new technique, 54 Gy was delivered by 3-D
conformal 3-port beams (AP and both lateral ports with wedge compensator; shielding both
superficial lobes of parotid glands at the AP beam using BEV) from the beginning of the
treatment and early spinal cord block (at 36 Gy) was performed. And bilateral posterior necks
were treated with electron after 36 Gy. After 54 Gy, non-coplanar beams were used for
cone-down plan. We intercompared dose statistics (Dmax, Dmin, Dmean, D95, D05, V95, V05,
Volume receiving 46 Gy) and dose volume histograms (DVH) of tumor and normal tissues
and NTCP values of parotid glands for the above three plans.
Results : For all patients, the new technique (plan-C) was comparable or superior to the
other plans in target volume isodose distribution and dose statistics and it has more
homogenous target volume coverage. The new Technique was most superior to the other
plans in parotid glands sparing (volume receiving 46 Gy: 100, 98, 69£¥ for each plan-A, B
and C). And it showed the lowest NTCP value of parotid glands in all patients (range of
NTCP;96¡­100£¥, 79¡­99£¥, 51¡­72£¥for each plan-A, B and C).
Conclusion : We conclude that the new technique employing 3-D conformal radiotherapy at
the beginning of radiotherapy and cone down using non-coplanar beams with early spinal
cord block is highly recommended to spare parotid glands node-negative nasopharygeal cancer


ºñÀΰ­¾Ï; ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; 3Â÷¿ø ÀÔüÁ¶ÇüÄ¡·á; ±¸°­ °ÇÁ¶Áõ; Conformal radiotherapy; Nasopharyngeal carcinoma; Xerostomia;

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