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Purpose : We performed the retrospective analysis to find the outcome of external beam
radiotherapy alone in advanced esophageal cancer patients.
Methods and materials : One hundred and six patients treated with external beam
radiotherapy alone between July 1990 and December 1996 were analyzed retrospectively. We
limited the site of the lesions to the thoracic esophagus and cell type to the squamous cell
carcinoma. Follow-up was completed in 100 patients (94£¥) and ranged from 1 month to 92
months (median; 6 months).
Results : The medial age was 62 years old and male to female ratio was 104:2. Fifty-three
precent was the middle thorax lesion and curative radiotherapy was performed in 83£¥. Mean
tumor dose delivered with curative aim was 58.6 Gy (55¡­70.8 Gy) and medial duration of
radiation therapy was 53 days. The medial survival of all patients was 6 months and 1-year
and 2-year overall survival rate was 27£¥ and 12£¥, respectively. Improvement of dysphagia
was obtained in most patients except for 7 patients who underwent feeding gastrostomy. The
complete response rate immediately after radiation therapy was 32£¥ (34/106). The medial
survival and 2-year survival rate of the complete responder was 14 months and 30£¥
respectively, while those of the nonresponder was 4 months and 0£¥ respectively(p=0.000).
The median survival and 2-year survival rate of the patients who could tolerate regular diet
was 9 months and 16£¥ while those of the patients who could not tolerate regular diet was 3
months and 0£¥, respectively (p=0.004). The survival difference between the patients with 5cm
or less tumor length and those with more than 5 cm tumor length was marginally
statistically significant (p=0.006). However, the survival difference according to the
periesophageal invasion or mediastinal lymphadenopathy in the chest CT imaging study was
not statistically significant in this study. In a multivariate analysis, the statistically significant
covariates to the survival were complete response to radiotherapy, tumor length, and initial
degree of dysphagia in decreasing order. The complication was observed in 10 Patients (9£¥).
Conclusion : The survival outcome for advanced esophageal cancer patients treated by
external beam radiotherapy alone was very poor. In the treatment of these patients, the
brachytherapy and chemotherapy should be added to improve the treatment outcome.


¿ÜºÎ¹æ»ç¼±Ä¡·á; ÁøÇàµÈ ½Äµµ¾Ï; External beam radiotherapy; Advanced esophageal cancer;

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