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Purpose : The aim of this study was to investigate treatment results, toxicity and efficacy
of hyperfractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel for paraaortic node recurrence
in cervix cancer.
Materials and Methods : Between September 1997 to March 1999, 12 patients with paraaortic
node recurrence in cervix cancer who previously received radical or postoperative radiotherapy
were treated with hyperfractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel. Of these, 2
patients who irradiated less than 30 Gy were excluded, 10 patients were eligible for this
study. Median age was 51 years. Initial FIGO stage was 1 stage lB1, 2 stage ¥±A, 7 stage ¥±
B. For initial treatment, 7 patients received radical radiotherapy and 3 received postoperative
radiotherapy. The paraaortic field encompassed the gross recurrent disease with superior
margin at T12, and inferior margin was between L5 and S1 with gap for previously pelvic
radiation field. The radiation field was initially anterior and posterior opposed field followed by
both lateral field. The daily dose was 1.2 Gy, twice daily fractions, and total radiotherapy
dose was between 50.4 and 60 Gy(median, 58.8 Gy). Concurrent chemotherapy was done with
paclitaxel as a radiosensitizer. Dose range was from 20 §·/m3 to 30 §·
/m3 (median, 25 §·/m3), and cycle of chemotherapy was from 3 to
6 (median, 4.5 cycle). Follow-up period ranged from 3 to 21 months.
Results : interval between initial diagnosis and paraaortic node recurrence was range from 2
to 63 months (median, 8 months). The 1 year overall survival rate and median survival were
75£¥ and 9.5 months, respectively. The 1 year disease free survival rate and median disease
free survival were 30£¥ and 7 months, respectively. At 1 month after treatment, 4 (40£¥)
achieved a complete response and 6 (60£¥) experienced a partial response and all patients
showed response above the partial response. There was distant metastasis in 6 patients and
pelvic node recurrence in 2 patients after paraaortic node irradiation. There was 2 patients
with grade 3 to 4 leukopenia and 8 patients with grade 1 to 2 nausea/ vomiting which was
usually tolerable with antiemetic drug. There was no chronic complication in abdomen and
pelvis during follow up period.
Conclusion : Hyperfractionated radiation therapy combined with paclitaxel as a radiosensitizer
showed high response rate and few complication rate in paraaortic node recurrence in cervix
cancer. Therefore, present results suggest that hyperfractionated radiation therapy combined
with paclitaxel chemotherapy can be used as optimal treatment modality in this patients.


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